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Blessed are the pure in heart

Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God
We will see God one day when we are received to glory in Heaven, Yet on this earth, we can see God,
  • in person when He appears himself to us as we seek or pray to Him, or
  • from the word of God and in worship, or
  • through the experiences in our life, or
  • by visions and dreams

Jesus Christ told the people around him once to turn themselves and be like little children as this would fetch the Kingdom of God for them. Purity in heart is basic expectation that God has for His children. 

Anna, the prophetess who was waiting in the temple of God for probably around 50 years after her husband died, had decided to not waste away in living for a human but to live a life only seeking Him and thus maintaining a life of purity - the result - She saw the Lord with her own eyes in her lifetime.

Purity or Holiness seeks separation, which means one who expects to live a holy life would have to live a life, not according to the patterns of the world but in running against the flow and walk or run, seeking the will of God. Hebrews 12:14 mentions that without holiness, one can not see God.

Mary Magdelene and the women who were seeking God among the dead (as mentioned by the angel - were seeking the living among the dead) could see Him only when they had faith enough to believe the words of the angel of God, who told them to remember what Jesus had said while he was living that He would rise up again. So it is the word of God, His promises that enable us to lead a life of purity and which would help us to see God as we live on this planet.

Let us continue to seek Him. Have you had an experience of seeing God, please feel free to share.

You can email me or comment on this blog and connect to us and be a blessing.


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