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Blessed are the poor in spirit

Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The general perception of this scripture can indicate that the Bible advocates poverty. But the truth is that the Bible does not teach man to live as poor man or stay in sorry or reproach or hunger, rather, here in this scripture, we find another kind of poverty that the Bible is teaching about.

Poor in spirit shows:
  • lack of our dependency on ourselves (on our self) or our efforts
  • complete reliance on God's provision
  • hunger for spiritual needs
  • being passionate for the word of God and the work of God

When Ananias and Saphira decided to depend on what was held back from giving to the apostles, instead of trusting on God to provide for their needs, we see that they failed to enter the kingdom of God. Whereas, when the widow trusted on prophet Elijah and decided to listen to His word to bring him some food inspite of her littleness, God blesses her and fed her and her family during the course of the whole famine.
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God wants us to have the real hunger and thirst for Him and for His Kingdom.

Jarius, who being a spiritual leader of his time, felt poor for his need and ran to Jesus for his need and found deliverance from Jesus. Zachaeus sensed the poverty in his spirit and found it necessary to see Jesus and his hunger to see God, let him to have a greater experience with Jesus.

Do you have the spiritual hunger and passion for God's Kingdom? Would you have some more insights on being poor in the spirit? Please email us or share your comments below.


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