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Some Restored, Some Resentful

Good morning church.  When we read Luke 6:10 & 11, we find that seeing the work of God, some were restored while some were resentful. Which category do we belong to?  For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.  It is very important to ensure that we are on the right side if we intend to be saved and not perish.  Declare - I believe in the works of God. I declare that they are to prosper me and not to harm me. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I speak against every resentment in me against the word of God and against the works of God. In Jesus name, Amen. Have a blessed day. सुप्रभात कलीसिया। हम इस सप्ताह इस वचन के भाग से मनन कर रहे थे । जब हम लूका 6:10 और 11 पढ़ते हैं, तो हम पाते हैं कि परमेश्वर के कार्य को देखकर, कुछ लोग प्रसन्न हो गए जबकि कुछ प्रकोपित हो गए। हम किस पक्ष में आते हैं? क्योंकि क्रूस का संदेश नाश होने वालों के लिए मूर्खता है, लेकिन हम जो बचाए जा रहे हैं, उनके लि
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So he got up and stood there

  Good morning Church.  The man with the withered hand needed boldness to stand up to the instruction of Jesus who was being belittled by the community around him. Unlike today, Jesus was not seen as a great man, rather He was seen as an outcast during His time, a false prophet with a different theology.  But it was the anointing over Jesus that made the man to be bold enough to stand up and follow the instructions of Jesus. 1. Let us be bold enough to stand for Jesus wherever God places us. 2. Let the anointing over us make others bold to take tough decisions. Declare - With the power of the Holy Spirit, I will stand boldly and declare the truths of the word of God. I will lead many people to make bold decisions to follow Jesus. I am not a failure. I am victorious through Christ Jesus who took the victory on the cross. In Jesus name, Amen. Have a blessed day. लूका 6:8 तो वह उठकर खड़ा हो गया। सुप्रभात चर्च। सूखे हाथ वाले व्यक्ति को उस यीशु के निर्देशों का पालन करने के लिए साहस की आवश्य

The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath

  When Jesus said that he was “Lord, even over the Sabbath,” He was once again proclaiming His own divinity. He had the authority to overrule the Pharisees’ traditions and regulations because He had instituted the Sabbath.  He has the authority to make rules in your lives as you are His Creation. Can you allow Him to do that? He has the authority to make something new in your preplanned schedules. Can you allow Him to make the change? He has the authority to overrule every patterns, traditions or regulations made by man even in the Church. Can we allow Him to do that? The Creator is always greater than His creation. जब यीशु ने कहा कि वह "सब्त के दिन पर भी प्रभु है," तो वह एक बार फिर अपनी दिव्यता की घोषणा कर रहा था। उसके पास फरीसियों की परंपराओं और नियमों को रद्द करने का अधिकार था क्योंकि उसने सब्त की स्थापना की थी। क्योंकि आप उसकी रचना हैं, इसलिए उसके पास आपके जीवन में नियम बनाने का अधिकार है। क्या आप उसे ऐसा करने की अनुमति दे सकते हैं? परमेश्वर को आपके पूर्व नियोजित टाइम टेब

Jesus knew what they were thinking

Luke 6:8 NIV But Jesus knew what they were thinking Good morning Church. Declare this today -  God knows my thoughts  God knows the thoughts of those who like me.  God knows the thoughts of those who hate me too. Our Lord is Omniscient. He knows our outgoing and incoming. He knows when we fall low and when we rise up. He knows who were are from our heart. He knows when we need help and when we can help others. Our Lord also knows our thoughts, our motives, intentions and works sometimes even before we even say or speak. He goes on to give us more than we can even imagine. So lets sanctify this area (the area of thoughts) into Gods hands. Declare this - My thoughts be in alignment with God's word and God's will. My thoughts would not separate me from God's love. Let my thoughts be offered as a living sacrifice to my Lord Jesus today. Amen.  Have a blessed day. सुप्रभात चर्च। आज यह घोषणा करें -  परमेश्वर  मेरे विचारों को जानता है,  परमेश्वर उन लोगों के विचारों को जानता है जो

Qumi Ori - New song

Excited to share this new song which was made as a theme song for Camp Ekklesia - the annual camp of Rebuilders. I hope this song turns out to be a great blessing to all of you. Qumi ori kiaba ore vakhavod yahuwa alek zara Vachan woh pavitra vachan, sachi raah dikhata Ghor Andhiyare me tu apni rosni ko bhar de Lahu woh pavan lahu, shudh karta har paapi ko naamdharai hatakar tu samman se bhar de Aatma pavitra aatma, undel de ham par tu Sukhi haddiyo me tu apni jeevan ko bhar de Lyrics in Hindi: कुमि ऑरी कियाबा ऑरे वखावोद यहूवा आलेख ज़रख    वचन वो पवित्र वचन, सच्ची राह दिखाता  घोर अँधियारे मे तू अपने रोशनी को भर दे  लहू वो पावन लहू, शुद्ध करता हर पापी को  नामधराई हटाकर तू सम्मान से भर दे  आत्मा पवित्र आत्मा, उंडेल दे हम पर तू  सुकी हड्डियों मे तू अपनी जीवन को भर दे ישעיהו פרק ס קוּמִי אוֹרִי, כִּי בָא אוֹרֵךְ; וּכְבוֹד יְהוָה, עָלַיִךְ זָרָח Please find a raw recording so that you can get a tune to the song as well.

The Temptation of Jesus Christ

Some of the learning from the temptation of Jesus recorded in Mathew 4. 1. Fasting is a personal choice in the spiritual battle. We must understand that God has not placed a rule to fast when we are facing a spiritual attack in life, but its a personal choice to opt to fast and face the spiritual attack in life or family or ministry. Jesus Christ was willing to follow that willingly and therefore we find that many times He confined himself to mountain tops and solitary places to face the battles of His life. 2. Proving yourself as a Christian is a temptation in itself One of the questions that the devil asked Jesus to do was to prove His divinity by turning the stones into bread. We may face this many a times in our life where we are asked to prove our faith instead of following and practicing it.  3. Our focus should not be on physical need/growth rather it should be on the growth of our inner man. When Jesus was asked to feed His hungry flesh with freshly prepared bread-

मसीह का चरित्र - मसीही प्रेम

मसीही चरित्र के बारे में सीखना आज की पीढ़ी के लिए एक ज़रुरती उपदेश और हमारे कलीसिया के लिए विशेष एक सिखने का दौरा बना है | हम मसीही प्रेम के बारे में शुरू करेंगे | १ कुरिन्थियों १३:४-७ और इफिसियों ५:१-२ हम कई तरह के प्रेम के बारे में जानते है | प्राचीन यूनानी में, सात यूनानी शब्द और उसके अर्थ - रैना नईम के इस लेख से हमें सिखने मिलती है | प्रेम पाप से प्रसन्न नहीं होता - मसीही प्रेम की असली पहचान इस विषय पर है | परिभाषा युहन्ना १४:१५ के आधार पर मै मसीही प्रेम की परिभाषा इस प्रकार देना चाहता हूँ - मसीही प्रेम - परमेश्वर के वचनों का आज्ञाकारी होना है | वचन का मनन १ कुरिन्थियों १३:७ वे कलम से हम सीखते है की मसीही प्रेम सब कुछ ढाँक देता है, सब कुछ पर विश्‍वास करता है, सब कुछ की आशा करता और सब कुछ सह लेता है | क्या हम सचमुच सब कुछ ढाँकते है?? क्या हम सब कुछ पर विश्‍वास करते है?? मै जब आशा के विषय में लिखता हूँ, बार बार किसी विषय पर बात और चर्चा करने के बावजूद, क्या हम कुछ फरक या बदलाव होने की आशा और उम्मीद रखने के लिए तैयार है?? जब मै सहन करने की बात करू, तो क्या हम प्राण खोने