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Showing posts from June, 2009

A 5-finger rule for worship team

The following are the 5-finger rule for the worship team: Thumb : We use the thumb to wish the best. We need to dedicate our best to Him including best music, efforts, songs, etc. Fore Finger : We use the fore finger to point at others. We need to understand that we are leading others to God's presence, so its must to see the status of the people as we lead people to worship, whether there are circumstances good enough for them to worship. In short, we are doing it to lead others to Him. Middle Finger : This is the tallest finger of our hand. We must realize that, its not in the music, but in the 'SONG', every line of the song, that people are gonnna be touched and so, song must be given the highest priority. Ring Finger : This shows relationship. Every one in the team must have a good relationship with God as well as with all others in the team. Love and respect every one in the team. N...

Process before worship

The passage is from 1 Peter chapter 2 (BIBLE) 4 Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. precious, We notice a process here. Lets find the verbs which relate a child of God: coming to Him, built up and finally offer up. Coming to Him : Shows our calling by God, and our response to His call. Built Up : 1. Spiritual House 2. Holy Priesthood Spiritual House: refers to Growth in our personal relationship with God as well as men. Holy Priesthood: refers to our life separated out to Him. Offer Up : Shows worship, surrendering ourselves for His will, as John says- I must decrease. The mistake that we generally make is to go and 'offer up' first, rather than going through the process of coming to Him and building up ourselves and then offering ourselves. Let...